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藝霞年代:藝霞歌舞劇團紀錄片 DVD (家用版)

■ 簡介 歌舞劇誰說只有紅磨坊? 《藝霞年代》再現台灣歌舞傳奇 「藝霞歌舞劇團」(1959-1985),以充滿創意與華麗的表演風格,在台灣歌舞劇團史上引領風騷廿四年,不僅風靡台灣,更遠征香港、新加坡、馬來西亞。這樣光輝燦爛的年代,卻因戲院改制,負責人與舞台編導相繼過世,於高峰驟然走入歷史…。回顧藝霞風華,本片特別紀錄曲終人散的二十五年後,當年紅極一時的霞女明星與一群年輕學子重建過往舞作過程。在這段新舊世代共同練習、表演之際,將建構出怎樣的「藝霞年代」? Who says only Broadway has musicals? Musicals had come into vogue in Taiwan for half a century and embraced as much glamour as aiwanese opera in the entertainment business. In the musical history of Taiwan, E. SHA Singing and Dancing Group, known as the Takarazuka Revue in Taiwan, had been in the spotlight for twenty-four years with their creative and lavish performance style. Being the biggest musical theater with the longest history, E. SHA Singing and Dancing Group not only drew a big crowd of fans around the island but also toured Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia and earned fame in the Far East. It came to an end in 1984 as theaters were downsizing and its director and the stage choreographer passed away. Twenty-five years later since then, the once-famous E. SHA stars began to reproduce their performances with a group of young students.While the old generation meets the young, what kind of image would these young girls at the age similar to that of the E. SHA stars back then bring forth? And how would the young generation look at the coming back of the history? ■ 發音:台語(部分中文) ■ 字幕:中文、英文、日文、世界語 ■ 片長:96分鐘


該商品上架日期 2011年 04月 14日.