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Deserted Village: A Novel(寒夜三部曲-2.荒村 英文版)

■簡介 李喬於1975年起稿,至1981 年 2月陸續完成了《寒夜三部曲》---《寒夜》、《荒村》與《孤燈》三部作品,透過饒富文學意涵的語言文字,書寫日治時代的台灣歷史,透過以彭阿強、劉阿漢兩大家族、三代人墾荒蕃仔林的悲苦生活,以及反日抗爭為情節線,佐以各時代重要事件,描寫自日治時代50年前後所遭遇時代挑戰,歷經家族的興衰,是一部台灣「大河小說」史詩。 此系列首先出版第二部Deserted Village《荒村》英文版。 《荒村》故事背景以彭家童養媳燈妹招贅的劉阿漢一家為主,描寫劉阿漢和三子劉明鼎為了對抗惡法與經濟掠奪,保護土地,參與日據時代中期文化協會分裂前後、農民組合前期重大事件的種種,劉家父子遭受不斷的牢獄、拘禁、刑求,最後劉阿漢魂斷荒村,劉明鼎則死於拘留所,讀來驚心動魄。 《寒夜三部曲》另兩部作品簡介如下: 第一部Wintry Night《寒夜》,寫的是台灣割讓給日本前後背景下,彭阿強一家7男5女,12口冒著生命危險,進入苗栗蕃仔林開山拓荒,流血流汗,結果遭土豪劣紳勾結官府,巧取豪奪。彭阿強六、七十歲時,不甘一生辛勤平白落空,乃為土地掙扎拚命,死在吊頸樹下,讓人悲憤填膺。 第三部Lone Lamp《孤燈》,寫的是台灣光復前後,山村極端匱乏的非人生活,以及劉家么子明基與彭家長子人傑、長孫永輝受徵召赴南洋,死在異地的悲慘命運。從中可以看到蕃仔林村民為了生存,所展現的堅忍生命力,和冤死菲律賓的台灣青年魂牽夢繫台灣故土的心酸。 Lee Chiao’s epic Wintry Night Trilogy, comprising Wintry Night, Deserted Village, and Lone Lamp, is widely revered as a classic of Taiwan literature. Together, the books tell of the vicissitudes endured by three successive generations of Hakka farmers. Opening in the late Qing dynasty and concluding soon after the end of the Japanese occupation, the trilogy follows the Pengs and the Lius as they establish a legacy befitting the turbulence of modern Taiwan. This, Lee’s most celebrated work, is a poignant reflection on love, resilience, and the steadfast spirit of a colonized people. Book one, Wintry Night, describes Taiwan at the onset of Japanese colonial rule, as the Peng family journeys into Miaoli’s forests to begin a new life. Book two, Deserted Village, focuses on various members of the Liu family as they struggle against unjust laws and economic exploitation during the height of the Japanese occupation. Book three, Lone Lamp, reveals the extreme poverty of Taiwan’s post-liberation mountain villages and brings to life the tragic experience of being sent to die in a faraway war. In this newly translated edition, the first book to be published will be Deserted Village. ■Contents Introduction by John Balcom ........................................... i Prologue: Strange Fish .................................................... 1 1. Hidden Troubles .......................................................... 5 2. Night’s Bitter Dreams ............................................................. 39 3. Boundless Land ...................................................................... 115 4. Dark Skies ................................................................................. 171 5. A World of Wrongs ............................................................... 227 6. Silent Mountains .................................................................... 311 7. The Deserted Village ............................................................ 389


作者: Lee Chiao 李喬
出版社: 書林
出版年月: 2024/07
ISBN序號: 9786267193679
該商品上架日期 2024年 07月 12日.
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