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※此為訂購商品,調貨約需3~5天。 ■簡介 這本書的主題是「公共人文學」,分成兩個部分,上編是「公共人文學的探討」,下編為「公共人文學的案例:臺灣文化實踐」。上編有三篇論文,從不同的角度說明公共人文學的意涵。下編有六篇論文,基本上是作為公共人文學的實例而收集在本書,但它們的內容也有助於認識現當代臺灣的文化面貌。這幾十年來,在世界很多地方,人文學科與公眾生活的關係日益受到重視,這個風氣近年也傳入臺灣。這個訴求的基本精神是,人文學不當自守於學院門牆,應該對公共生活有比較直接的參與,反過來說,人文學各種方式的公共參與也能為學術研究帶來良性回饋。希望本書能深化大家對這個問題的關注和認識,進而提升臺灣人文學科的文化與教育價值。 The theme of this book, as suggested by its title, is public humanities. It is divided into two parts. The first part is “Explorations of Public Humanities,” while the second being “Cases of Public Humanities: Cultural Practices in Taiwan.” The first part contains three articles, explicating the implications of public humanities from various angles. The second part includes six papers as examples of public humanities, yet they will be helpful for gaining insights into cultural scenes of both contemporary Taiwan and Taiwan in the past. During the last few decades, in many parts of the world, the relationship between the humanities and public life received increasing attention. The trend has reached Taiwan. The core appeal of this effort is that humanities scholars should play direct roles in public life, not confining themselves only to academia. Humanities scholarship will benefit from its practitioners’ participation in public and community lives. The authors publish this volume hoping it can deepen the understanding of people in Taiwan about this issue, and the cultural and educational values of the humanities can thus be better appreciated. ■目錄 導言╱陳弱水 上編 公共人文學的探討 公共人文學的理念及其基本面向╱陳弱水 臺灣公共哲學的當代實踐:從思想反抗到社會對話╱洪子偉 影像與公眾史學:以電影建構全球視野的歷史意識╱蔣竹山 下編 公共人文學的案例:臺灣文化實踐 流行文化創意「IP」:緣起、概念與產業發展╱游雯涵、丁昱寧、林奇秀 從IP經營的視角看霹靂的全球化布局(2014-2020)╱謝筱玫、張鰲騰、陳思縈 宗教與現代臺灣發展關係的思考:從基督宗教看臺灣與世界╱陳慧宏 近代臺灣社會中的基督宗教:以真耶穌教會研究為中心的觀察╱黃文信 臺灣原住民工藝的內涵:論太魯閣族織布的變遷與延續╱陳怡方 失憶記事:臺灣當代失憶書寫的情境與困境╱陳重仁 作者簡介 索引


作者: 陳弱水 編
出版社: 國立台灣大學出版中心
出版年月: 2023/12
ISBN序號: 9789863507840
該商品上架日期 2024年 05月 02日.
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