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Short Takes: A Scene-based Taiwanese Vocabulary Builder

■簡介 A Scene-based Taiwanese Vocabulary Builder lets you pick up new vocabulary in a fun, context-based way. Each lesson is based on 10 high-frequency core vocabulary words brought together in an easy-to-visualize scene, which makes learning new words simple and enjoyable. Each core vocabulary word is presented with closely-related words, sentence patterns, common pairings, or example usages, so you’ll learn the word within the broader context of the language. Additionally, each lesson features an imaginative short story, cultural notes, as well as writing and speaking exercises to offer more context and practice of the core vocabulary. This vocabulary builder is well-suited for self-study by beginning and elementary learners of Taiwanese. 本書為台語詞彙學習書,以情境輔助的方式幫助學生學習新詞。 每課有十個高頻學習重點詞,組成一個容易想像的場景,讓學習單字的過程變得輕鬆有趣。每個重點詞都附有相關單字、句型、常用搭配詞或用法範例,以擴充語言應用範圍,讓學習者更能掌握台語詞彙。每課除了有一篇極短篇情境故事,還有文化補充及書寫、口說練習題,提供讀者更多背景知識及應用練習。 適合初學台語或基礎級學生自學使用。


作者: Pin-Chih Chi
出版年月: 2021/03
ISBN序號: 9780996398220
該商品上架日期 2022年 06月 10日.
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