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■簡介 新創的「繪光音樂小說」形式,隨附十張的畫作投影片可以直接置放於封面 的投影發光裝置中,書中也收錄七首完整的國台語歌作為每個故事章節的主題曲, 並包含歌曲 QRcode,您可以不需拿出隨附的光碟就能聆聽所有歌曲。 我們以走過日據與民主時代的童養媳阿嬤一生為故事主軸,用一萬字中英對照的 短篇小說結合流行專輯的跨界形式呈現,邀請畫家對故事情節手繪畫作並編輯畫 冊。以南郭郡守也就是日據時代彰化舊官舍,作為故事發生主要場景,也試圖以 此作品紀錄大時代下的喜怒哀愁。 由此作品分享給您,命運的無常、無奈與幸福。也期盼每個世代間,都能彼 此尊重與了解。 作者/企劃/唱片製作人:阿樂 畫家:吳悅綾 The newly created “Paint & Light music novel” format, accompanied by ten painting slides can be placed directly on the cover of the projection light device. The book also includes seven Mandarin and Taiwanese songs with a QRcode in each story chapter, so you can listen to all songs without having to take out the included CD. We take the life of a child bride, a grandmother who lived through the Japanese ruling and the democratic periods as the main axis of the story and present the cross-border form of pop music and 10,000-word short stories in Chinese and English that are matched with paintings. “Yinan Guo Jun Shou”, the old official house in Changhua during the Japanese ruling period, is the main scene of the story. The work also tries to show complex feelings of that great era. We look forward to creating mutual respect and understanding between each generation through this work by experiencing the impermanence, helplessness, and happiness of life. Author / Product Planning / Record Producer: Wallace Artist / Painter: Renee Wu


出版社: 可澄音樂文創
ISBN序號: 9789869636520
該商品上架日期 2021年 10月 10日.
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