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最美的台灣:100HDR全景影像與旅讀 (中英對照)

■簡介 最美的台灣:100 HDR全景影像與旅讀 Ilha Formosa Taiwan:in 100 HDR Panoramic Images & Scripts 你看過最美的台灣嗎? 100幅18大類從未看過、創新視野、令人驚艷的HDR全景影像, 100篇18萬言(中文10萬,英文8萬)內容與內涵兼具的雙語 旅讀內文,讓你和世界從書頭到頁尾,一起看見北、東、中、南,全新、無敵、世界級的福爾摩沙台灣之美! 「最美的台灣」書裡面的影像和文字內容,是畫廊,也是書坊; 其內涵,有如圖庫,更像智庫。 本書有八大特色: 1. 短菊八開(26cm高 x 21cm寬),厚2.5cm,共336頁(實際352 頁),北、東、中、南台灣皆有一幅超大視野、超級震撼、壯麗 超凡的四頁式開門拉頁的全彩領頭羊影像,創國內外先例。 2. 國內首見風景台灣、張張都是自然亮麗HDR(高動態範圍)加 上全景panorama構圖的彩色影像,幾乎全部跨頁、平均寬高比 2.8,最大1 比11。 3. 十八大類主題,涵蓋山(含百岳)、海、水文、花木、城市、 田園、古蹟等100幅(篇),多元、多面向風景台灣之美, 每篇旅讀平均中文1,100字,英文800字,皆由攝影者與作者 (同一人)本人執筆,文中必要時,會帶入同等級的世界景點, 增進國際視野,也肯定台灣之美,讓你和世界一起看見台灣, 且能(很有自信地!)與外國朋友分享。 4. 雙語編輯,版面設計出眾,有特色,適合中外人士閱讀,具國 際水準。 5. 用心製作、一共8頁、Excel檔案格式的「主題分類與拍攝地點 索引」,特別註解在晨、昏、夜、雨、霧等魔幻時刻拍攝的影像。 6. 台灣自然地貌與分區圖,繪圖生動清新,為旅居歐洲前科博館 常聘插畫家精心繪製。 7. 由民視「台灣之美」專輯、有50餘年歷史的紅藍彩藝承印,除了 台灣的金印獎外,紅藍彩藝於2009年得過德國印刷大獎,2011 年更勇奪美國印刷工業協會被喻為全球印刷界「奧斯卡」獎的班 尼獎。使用德國海德堡五色機、日本王子超白雪銅進口高級紙張 印製,彩印品質,國內外難得一見。 8. 可以作為企業和政府單位拿來饋贈國外客戶與外國訪客,一份非 常特別與有意義的文化禮品。 Have You Seen the Scenery of Taiwan at Her Most Charm? 100 Amazing, Never-Before-Seen, Ceiling-Breaking Images in HDR Panorama under 18 Themes 100 Informative, Insightful Bilingual Travel Scripts in 180K-Word English and Chinese (80K/100K, respectively) See Together with the World from Cover to Cover a Whole New, Nonpareil, World-Class Landscape Beauty of North, East, Central, and South Taiwan: Ilha Formosa Ilha Formosa Taiwan is a most-recent publication by Sherman Cheng, author of two defense technology books and over 100 articles, embarked another personal odyssey after retirement. For nearly past 10 years, he explored almost all corners of Taiwan, opened a new window and captured the multi-facet landscapes of Taiwan at her most beautiful and dramatic moments in splendid vista by use of bright, natural- looking HDR (high dynamic range) panoramic format all way through in an innovative workflow never tried by local photographer. Not only playing as a photographer, but also Sherman acts as writer, a speaker, for each and every image with bilingual Eng- lish and Chinese travel script rich in information, depth, insight, international, travel as well as photography technique and fine art photographic perspective allowing you together with the world to see the most beautiful Taiwan. This ceiling-breaking picture-perfect and bilingual script-rich volume represents an unprecedented milestone and horizon ever being able to be accomplished or reached by no other photographer in Taiwan before. It is very well worth to be your personal, corporation, government or educational institute collecti on and give it as a very special and meaningful cultural gift to your international clients and foreign visitors. This book is a great complete, comprehensive scenic and script portfolio on Formosa Taiwan that has long been missed. Ilha Formosa Taiwan in 100 HDR Panoramic Images & Scripts is, in content, a gallery and a bookstore; its context, an image bank as well as knowledge base. Product Details .Hardcover: 336 pages .Publisher: Sherman Cheng (January 26, 2019) .Printed in Taiwan .Language: English and Chinese .ISBN: 978-957-43-6269-1 .Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 1.0 x 10.2 inches .Shipping Weight: 54.7 ounces


作者: 薛爾門
出版社: 程世清
出版年月: 2019/01
ISBN序號: 9789574362691
該商品上架日期 2019年 01月 27日.