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唐美雲歌仔戲團2015-文成公主 DVD

■劇情簡介 吐蕃國王松贊干布遣使入唐,要求迎娶大唐公主,唐太宗李世民不肯應允。吐蕃以武力要脅,進犯大唐邊境,卻為唐軍擊退。松贊派遣大相噶爾東贊入唐謝罪,再度請婚,唐太宗見識到吐蕃國力之強大,終於答應和親。 太宗封一位李姓宗室女為文成公主,貞觀十四年(641年)文成公主踏上前往吐蕃的漫漫長路…… 文成公主來到吐蕃之後,致力於以大唐工藝技術改善百姓的生活,並且在松贊干布的支持下興建佛堂,這引起本教信眾與眾多大臣的不滿,面對現實中的眾聲喧嘩,公主依舊堅持自己的信念,一步一步走出屬於自己的路…… The King of Tibet, Songtsän Gampo, sent envoys and tributes to the Tang emperor in order to marry a Chinese princess but the Tang emperor didn’t accept his request. The Tibetan king's forces attacked the Chinese frontier city; however, a Tang force defeated Songtsän Gampo’s army and he retreated and sent an apology to the Tang emperor. Emperor Taizong of Tang then agreed (under Tibet’s potential threat of powerful force) to marry a Chinese princess to the Tibetan king. Princess Wencheng, surnamed Li, was a member of a minor branch of the royal clan of the Chinese Tang dynasty. In 641 A.D., she was granted by Taizong to King Songtsän Gampo of Tibet for marriage - an involuntary marriage alliance began…… Princess Wencheng started introducing Chinese culture and technology to Tibet, which led the Tibetans’ lives to a better level after she had arrived. In addition, Princess Wencheng brought Buddhism to Tibet and commenced building temples with Songtsän Gampo’s backing her up. Even if there were many disagreements that obstructed Princess Wencheng, she still persisted with her faith, overcoming adversity in order to succeed……


出版年月: 2018/06
該商品上架日期 2018年 06月 04日.
