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Black Island:Two Years of Activism in Taiwan

■ 簡介 Long before the student-led Sunflower Movement stormed the legislature in Taipei on March 18, 2014, sparking the most serious political crisis in Taiwan’s modern history, journalist J. Michael Cole was chronicling the rise of civic activism in this young democracy and warning us of the coming troubles. In this long-awaited collection of essays, the author takes us to the heart of this extraordinary recrudescence of activism and shows that there was nothing ‘spontaneous’ about the Sunflower Movement. With on-site observations and unique access to the protagonists, Black Island brings you to the frontlines of civil unrest—the police shields, pro-Beijing gangsters, victims of injustice, callous government officials and the idealists who are fighting back—and explains why the rise of civil society will change the face of politics in Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait for years to come.


出版年月: 2015/04
ISBN序號: 9781511443418
該商品上架日期 2017年 12月 29日.
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