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唐美雲歌仔戲團2012-燕歌行 DVD

■ 簡介 曹丕被立為太子,並奉命操演水師,自恃父寵漸深,不料曹操當眾挫他銳氣,反倒提拔曹植為大將軍。曹植頻頻向甄宓獻殷勤,挑起曹丕的不安與妒意,兄弟、夫妻關係幾近破裂。曹操死後,曹丕遵其遺令,上銅雀台撫箏祭靈,歷經野心的試煉,終於自立新朝。 曹丕登基為帝後,將曹植貶至邊地,將甄宓打入冷宮,又下旨要甄宓在曹植回京面聖時,親自奉酒。此時,後宮盛傳其子曹睿並非曹丕親生,甄宓不堪再受辱,決定自我了斷。甄宓之死,震驚了曹丕,他夢見甄宓前來惜別,引領他重返純真的初心。司馬懿取得曹植剛寫好的《洛神賦》,力諫處死曹植,銷毀賦文。但曹丕決定不殺曹植,並放任《洛神賦》流傳,期使甄美人的絕世風流,因文學而不朽。 Cao Pi, formally known as Emperor Wen of Wei, was the first emperor of the state of Cao Wei during the Three-Kingdom period of Chinese history. Cao Pi was the eldest son of Cao Cao and his concubine, Lady Bian. Of all his brothers, Cao Pi was the most shrewd. In 211 he was commissioned to be commander of the imperial guards and deputy prime minister. This position made Cao Pi assistant to his father, who was then prime minister and effectively in control of the imperial government. Cao Pi was mostly in charge of defense at the start of his career. However, Cao Pi’s status as heir was not immediately made legal, and for years there were lingering doubts on whom Cao Cao intended to make heir. Cao Cao greatly favored Cao Zhi, a younger son of his also by Lady Bian, who was known for his literary talents. After the defeat of rival warlord Yuan Shao at the Battle of Guandu, he took the widow of Yuan Shao's son Yuan Xi, Lady Zhen, as a consort. Nevertheless, the behavior that Cao Zhi made up to Lady Zhen ignited tension between Cao Pi and Cao Zhi. They were in concord on the surface but each had his own set of associates fighting each other under the surface. Since Cao Pi was still fearful and resentful at Cao Zhi, Lady Zhen soon had lost favor with Cao Pi. When Lady Zhen gave birth to Cao Pi's eldest son Cao Rui, rumor had it that Cao Rui might haven’t been Cao Pi's biological son! It did create conflicts between Cao Pi and Lady Zhen, which caused Lady Zhen to be resentful as well. The murmurs forced her to commit suicide… ■ 片長:約3小時


該商品上架日期 2016年 05月 04日.
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