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TAIWAN:A History of Agonies (台灣.苦悶的歷史-英文版) 二版

■ 簡介 Taiwan: A History of Agonies was a guiding light in the hearts of intellectuals in Taiwan in the dark days under martial law with no trace of freedom of speech. No sooner had the original version in Japanese been published in the 60’s than it won a resounding support in Taiwan. The book was often torn into separate pages to be circulated among as many Taiwanese readers as possible. Every Taiwanese devoured the contents with tears in their eyes—an evidence of how the Taiwanese were moved by every word in the book. 《台灣:苦悶的歷史》曾是禁忌時期台灣知識份子心中的曙光。日文版出版於一九六○年代,刊印後立刻獲得海外讀者的共鳴,甚至為了讓更多的台灣人閱讀,把它拆散輪流看,大家「一面哭一面讀」,可見其感人之處。 In the 70’s a Chinese version was published with Dr. Ong Iok-tek himself supplementing to enrich the contents. The book is still widely read among young people in Taiwan and continues inspiring them. 一九七○年代中文版同樣問世於日本,王育德博士親自補寫,使本書內容更加充實。本書歷久彌新,至今依舊廣泛啟發台灣的年輕一代。 The book describesprecisely the tread of Taiwan’s 400-year history, deeply analyzes features and phenomena in each era and eloquently adduces the legitimacy of Taiwan’s independence. The author rightly expounds: “The history of the Taiwanese is the process of their efforts in pursuit of freedom and happiness.” 本書清晰陳述台灣四百年歷史軌跡,深入分析各時代的特色與現象,同時對台灣獨立提出有力的論證。作者精確地說明:「所謂台灣人歷史,就是台灣人在追求自己的自由和幸福而奮鬥的過程。」 This is undoubtedly a masterpiece on the study of Taiwan the author had put his life in. The book not only expels undue fogs in the history of Taiwan and presents yet a fresh vista for a new history. 這本書是作者以生命為賭注,完成的台灣研究的名著,不但為讀者破除了舊的歷史迷霧,並提供新的歷史視野。 This long-awaited English version will be the foundation stone on which for the peoples of the world will deepen their understanding of the Taiwan affairs and the Taiwan-China relations. 這本期待已久的英文譯本,將為世界各地想深入理解台灣事務與台灣、中國關係的人們,提供堅實的基礎。


作者: ONG Iok-tek
出版社: 前衛
出版年月: 2021/12
ISBN序號: 9786267076118
該商品上架日期 2016年 01月 25日.
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