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民族學研究所集刊 30

※請注意!!由於出版年代久遠,封底封面狀況不太理想(但不影響內頁),是否訂購請斟酌,請見諒! ■目錄 1970秋 李方桂 Fang-kuei Li 天保土歌:附音系 The Songs of T'ien-Pao: With a Phonological Sketch Paul L-M Serruys The Inspection Tour of the Duke of Ch'i Jih-chang Hsieh 謝繼昌 Componential and Formal Analyses of Taromak Rukai Kinship Terminology Michael Saso Red-Head and Black-Head: The Classification of the Taoists of Taiwan According to the Documents of the 61st Heavenly Master Martin A. Nettleship Externally Caused Change in Aboriginal Culture Mei-chun Tang 唐美君 Han and Non-Han in Taiwan: A Case of Acculturation Conrad Chun-shih Young 楊君實 Name Taboo and Confucianism: An Anthropological View 池田末利 Suetoshi Ikeda 古代中國に於ける靈魂觀念の展開:文字學的考察を主として The Developments of Ancient Chinese Spirit Concept 朱介凡 Chieh-fan Chu 中國諺語志衛生篇 A Study of Chinese Proverbs on Health and Hygiene 張光直 Kwang-chih Chang 商周青銅器器形裝飾花紋與銘文綜合研究初步報告 Preliminary Remarks on a Comprehensive Study of Form, Decoration, and Inscription of Shang and Chou Bronzes Richard Pearson 皮爾遜 Archaeological Survey in Southeastern Taiwan 冷定蓭 Tsun Leng 米爾士與美國社會學 Wright Mills and the New Trend of American Sociology 丘其謙 Chi-chien Chiu 英美親屬稱謂試論 Notes on English-American Kinship Terminology 吳燕和 David Yen-ho Wu 新幾內亞的華人:歷史的回顧與現狀 Chinese in New Guinea


出版社: 中央研究院民族學研究所
該商品上架日期 2024年 05月 10日.
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