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民族學研究所集刊 29

※請注意!!由於出版年代久遠,封底封面狀況不太理想(但不影響內頁),是否訂購請斟酌,請見諒! ■目錄 1970春 李亦園 Yih-yuan Li  凌純聲先生對中國民族學之貢獻 Professor Ling Shun-sheng and His Contributions to Chinese Ethnology Morton H. Fried 傅瑞德 Clans and Lineages: How to Tell Them Apart and Why-With Special Reference to Chinese Society 趙元任 Yuen-ren Chao 國語統一中方言對比的各方面 Various Aspects of the Dialectal Contrasts in the Standardization of the National Language 丁驌 William S. Ting 中國地理、民族、文物與傳說史 Geography, Peoples, Culture and Legendary History of China 楊時逢 Shih-feng Yang 四川方言音韻特點及分區概說 The Special Phonological Features and Division of the Dialects of Szechwan 莊英章 Ying-chang Chuang 臺灣鄉村的建醮儀式:一個漁村的例子 Propitiatory Rites in Village Taiwan: A Case Study 李芬蓮 Feng-lien Li 臺灣農村社會的兒童教養:以雲林縣石龜溪為例 A Case Study of Child Training and Education in Rural Taiwan 王叔岷  Shu-min Wang 陶淵明詠史詩三首箋證 Notes on Three Epics of T'ao Yuan-ming 何聯奎 Lien-kwui Ho 中國禮俗研究導言 The Study of Chinese Rites and Customs: An Introduction 蘇瑩輝 Tin-hui Su 唐宣宗收復河湟地區與三州七關的年代略論 Notes on the Date of the Restoration of Ho-Huang District by T'ang Hsüan-Tsung 勞榦 Kan Lau 上巳考 Notes on Shang-shih: A Purification Feast in Ancient China 吳聰賢 Tsong-shien Wu 農村青年遷徙與就業之研究 Rural Youth Migration and Their Occupational Achievements 石璋如 Chang-ju Shih 殷代地上建築復原的第二例 Further Example of the Reconstruction of Architectures of the Shang Dynasty 邢慕寰 Mo-huan Hsing 國民經濟中主要部門生產毛額實值的折算問題 The Problem of Computing the Real Gross Product of Different Sectors in an Economy Toichi Mabuchi 馬淵東一 Magico-Religious Land Ownership in Central Formosa and Southeast Asia Inez de Beauclair 鮑克蘭 Dutch Beads on Formosa? An Ethnohistorical Note


出版社: 中央研究院民族學研究所
該商品上架日期 2024年 05月 10日.
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