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唐美雲歌仔戲團2014-香火 DVD

■劇情介紹 咸豐三年(1853)的艋舺,是泉州人的天下。來自泉州的三邑人與同安人彼此互相仇視,一場不可避免的戰爭一觸即發。 青年偶師陳有生與弟弟有年離開故鄉,帶著春秋閣的戲籠,自泉州渡海來到艋舺。兄弟二人認八甲庄寡婦蔡寶惜為乾娘,有生演布袋戲,有年加入團勇,各自為了成家立業辛勤打拚。 有生在寶惜安排下,迎娶彩娘為妻,誰知花燭夜卻傳來後場樂師的死訊。面對仇恨的風暴席捲而來,兄弟倆該如何絕境求生?如何香火綿延? QuanZhou clan who came from SanYi reigned Monga in 1853. They had been bearing grudges and struggles against TongAn clan. Wars seemed almost inevitable. A puppeteer, Chen You-Sheng, and his young brother, Chen You-Nian, left their home country and came to Monga. You-Sheng played puppets, and You-Nian joined the militia. Both of them worked hard in order to launch their careers and to get married. You-Sheng’s mother arranged for him to marry a woman, Cai-Niang. Out of blue, a musician died on the night of You-Sheng’s wedding. The feud that had been long brewing between brothers broke out. How were they reborn at the end of the road? How did the lives of the descendents go on? ■片長:約3小時


該商品上架日期 2016年 04月 08日.