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民族學研究所集刊 89

※請注意!!由於出版年代久遠,封底封面有一點范黃(但不影響內頁),是否訂購請斟酌,請見諒! ■目錄 2000春 Arthur P. Wolf 武雅士 Marriage among the Min-nan: An Open Letter to Li Yih-Yuan on the Occasion of His Retiring Chee-beng Tan 陳志明 Li Yih-Yuan and the Study of Chinese in Malaysia Lau-fong Mak 麥留芳 Materialism and the Singapore Middle Class Shu-min Huang 黃樹民 The Long-Term Effects of Rural Industrialization: The Case of a Coastal Village in Fujian 喬 健 Chien Chiao 多元族群、多元文化與文化諮詢 Multiethnicity, Multiculturalism and Culture Counseling 羅正心 Chen-hsin Lo 體現的文化觀點:以氣功為例 Embodiment as a Cultural Viewpoint: Exemplified with the Case of Qigung 余舜德 Shuenn-der Yu 食物冷熱系統、體驗與人類學研究:慈濟道場個案研究的意義 Hot and Cold Food Classification, Bodily Experience, and Anthropological Studies: Implications of Ci-xi Case Study 李壬癸、吳榮順 Paul Jen-kuei Li and Rung-shun Wu 噶瑪蘭的歌謠 Kavalan Folk Songs 黃智慧 Chih-huei Huang  南北源流交匯處:沖繩與那國島人群起源神話傳說的比較研究 A Confluence of Southern and Northern Culture Currents: A Comparative Study of the Origin Mythology of Yonaguni, Okinawa 連照美 Chao-mei Lien 卑南遺址B2467「母嬰合葬」墓之研究:兼初論卑南文化特殊的「複體葬」The Significance of Mother and Infant Double Burial in Peinan Neolithic Society: The Case of B2467 臧振華 Cheng-hwa Tsang 考古遺址的保護:當前我國文化資產保存工作中的一個重要課題 Protecting Archaeological Sites: A Major Issue of Cultural Resources Management in Taiwan 陳仲玉 Chung-yu Chen 南中國海諸島上的祠廟 Temples on the Islands of the South China Seas


出版社: 中央研究院民族學研究所
該商品上架日期 2024年 05月 10日.
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