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民族學研究所集刊 59

※請注意!!由於出版年代久遠,封底封面狀況不太理想(但不影響內頁),是否訂購請斟酌,請見諒! ■目錄 1985春 吳聰賢 Tsong-shien Wu 傳統與現代化農民性格內涵之研究 A Study of Traditional and Modern Farmers' Personality Arthur P. Wolf 武雅士  The Meaning of 'Marriage' Michio Suenari   Two Types of Territorial Organization: A Preliminary Report of A Hakka Village in Taiwan 李亦園 Yih-yuan Li  中國家族與其儀式:若干觀念的檢討 On Conflicting Interpretations of Chinese Family Rituals 莊英章 Ying-chang Chuang  家族結構與生育模式:一個漁村的田野調查分析 Family Structure and Reproductive Patterns in a Taiwan Fishing Village 謝繼昌 Jih-chang Hsieh  輪伙頭制度初探 Meal Rotation 瞿海源 Hai-yuan Chiu 宗教信仰與家庭觀念 The Impact of Different Religions on the Chinese Family in Taiwan 王崧興 Sung-hsing Wang 論漢人社會的家戶與家族 On the Household and Family in Chinese Society 吳燕和 David Yen-ho Wu 中國宗族之發展與其儀式興衰的條件 The Conditions of Development and Decline of Chinese Lineage and the Ethnic Groups Lau-fong Mak 麥留芳   Chinese Secret Societies: Criminologically Defined Kwang-kyu Lee  Development of the Korean Kinship System with Special Reference to Influence from China 住田 イサミ Isami Sumida 雅美族的織布 Weaving among the Yami


出版社: 中央研究院民族學研究所
該商品上架日期 2024年 05月 10日.
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