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民族學研究所集刊 32

※請注意!!由於出版年代久遠,封底封面狀況不太理想(但不影響內頁),是否訂購請斟酌,請見諒! ■目錄 1971秋 李霖燦 Lin-ts'an Li 一冊龍王經的翻譯:菩赤阿祿的故事 The Story of P'u Tsi We Lo: A Translation of a Mo-so Manuscript Kun Chang 張琨 Wenchow Historical Phonology 杜而未 Er-wei Tu 老子的道字研究 A Study of Character 'Tao' in the Lao-jze Shien-min Jen 任先民 Role Behavior and Role Structure in Social Organization Jen-ying Wang 王人英 Population Distribution and Internal Migration in Taiwan, 1959-1966 謝劍 Jiann Hsieh 匈奴的生計基礎 On the Subsistency of the Hsiung-nu Shu-min Huang 黃樹民 Peasant Marketing Network in Taiwan Raleigh Ferrell 費羅禮 Aboriginal Peoples of the Southwestern Taiwan Plain 陳槃 Pan Chen 敦煌木簡符籙試釋 Explanation of Amulets Found in Wooden Documents from the Tun-huang Caves 黃光國、楊國樞 K. K. Huand and Kuo-shu Yang  個人現代化程度與社會取向強弱 The Relationship of Individual Modernity to Social Orientation among Chinese University Students 曾炆煋 Wen-hsing Tseng 社會文化與精神醫學 Society, Culture and the Psychiatry Lung-sheng Sung 宋龍生 Household Scale, Wealth and Modernization in a Puyuma Village in Taiwan 屈萬里 Wan-li Ch'u 二戴記解題 Connotative Remarks on Two Versions of Li Chi 石磊   Lei Shih 筏灣村排灣族的家庭糾紛 Conflicts among the Paiwanese Families: Some Cases from Su-Paiwan Village Chien Chiao 喬健 Some Aspects in Transmission of Confucian Tradition 許嘉明 Chia-ming Hsu 瓦磘庄之分家與繼承 The Division of Family and Inheritance in Wu-yau Village


出版社: 中央研究院民族學研究所
該商品上架日期 2024年 05月 10日.
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