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台語研究 Journal of Taiwanese Vernacular 6-1

■ 目錄 〈台語語詞使用分析研究—以三本台語新約聖經做例〉楊允言 Analysis of Taiwanese word usage: using three Taiwanese New Testament Bibles as examples Un-gian IU 〈是讀毋著,毋過,敢是烏白讀?一寡台灣話的誤讀情形分析〉許慧如 Mispronounced, but not unpredictable: the analysis of some mispronounced Taiwanese consonants Hui-ju HSU 〈白話字e本土化kah現代化〉張學謙 Localization and modernization of written Taiwanese: a case study of Peh-oe-ji Hak-khiam TIU 〈文學e隱喻kap語言學e隱喻〉何信翰 Literary metaphors and linguistic metaphors Hsin-han HO 〈十九世紀咱人話e動植物構詞文化意涵〉黃龍泉 The cultural meanings of the morphological structure of nineteenth-century Lan-lang-oe words for animals and plants Leng-choa NG Chheh-pheng: Ti Jyi-giokk Bok-su e Bun-hoa Su-siong 張德麟 Book Review: Ti Jyi-giokk’s Thoughts on Culture Tek-lin TIU 冊評:《越南七桃long毋驚:越台中3語手比冊》何信翰 Book Review: Point-and-Speak Phrasebook in Vietnamese, Taiwanese and Chinese Hsin-han HO


出版年月: 2014/03
該商品上架日期 2014年 09月 06日.
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