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十二夜 Twelve Nights (DVD)

■簡介 空空,黃色小毛頭上的白色M字短毛,是他的正字標記,就像有著美人尖的孫悟空,活潑親人,只要看見有人靠近,俏皮的短尾便快速擺動著。沉穩的老大哥達摩,原是個接球好手,如今卻整天面壁沉思,不吃不動不語有如禪修。毛色黑亮的孟姜女,最愛撒嬌,露出肚子來討摸摸,但隨著收容所越來越擁擠,她像是預見生命的終點般,發出撕心裂肺的哭嚎…收容所裡的每個名字都代表一條不同的生命,一個不同的故事,但相同的是12天後,等不到人來領養,他們都將面臨安樂死的命運。時間流逝,他們的生命正在倒數計時,我們該怎麼做才能讓倒數停止? “Twelve Nights”is a documentary about the fate of stray dogs in a government-run animal shelter in southern Taiwan. From their initial capture on the streets, after 12 days in the shelter, the animals are destroyed, have died of disease, or, if they are lucky, end up in the arms of a new owner. The film shows many dogs entering the shelter looking healthy but later falling ill or dying due to the rampant transmission of canine distemper and other diseases inside the facility. As of the beginning of this week, “Twelve Nights” had pulled in more 13 million New Taiwan dollars since its release, according to the film’s distributor, a considerable amount for a documentary in Taiwan. 導演:Raye 編劇:Raye 製片:九把刀 (那些年,我們一起追的女孩)、隋棠 (大稻埕) 美國發行公司: 臺灣發行公司:CatchPlay(威望國際) 類型:紀錄片 片長:99分 級數:保護級 AC3 5.1 字幕:繁體中文、英文 發音:國語 全區


出版社: 法迅多媒體
出版年月: 2020/02
ISBN序號: 4717904908146
該商品上架日期 2020年 05月 28日.