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2017影像高雄「消失與重生」系列紀錄片 (6DVD)

■ 簡介 6部不同面相、風格、人文及產業紀錄片,柯能源《得樂日嘎小情歌》紀錄茂林國小的合唱團,長達2年的田調訪談,深入部落採訪耆老與青年投入母語文化和歌謠保存,透過孩子重唱傳統歌謠,在清亮優美的魯凱族歌聲中,帶領觀眾爬上茂林部落最深的山谷,也是族人代代相傳的生命樂章、陳惠萍與施合峰《離岸堤》紀錄村民投入「小搖滾」的舉辦過程,重頭戲是蚵寮國中的學生舞台劇,他們從害羞靦腆什麼都不會,到上台精彩演出漁村故事,讓觀眾笑淚俱下,展現年輕孩子對家鄉的熱愛及柯妧青以「林班歌」為主題拍出《誰在山上唱歌》,唱出原住民早期山林勞動的悲歌。林泰州《好美麗的煙囪啊!》則透過三段式結構,梳理數個重大公害污染事件與環境運動被無情鎮壓的故事,《橋仔頭的春秋大夢》導演顏蘭權與莊益增將百年橋頭糖廠的政經紛爭與觀光化危機,化成藝術地景裡的無盡省思,勾動觀眾重新看待歷史遺跡的意義。還有許慧如《記憶書寫》紀錄走過一甲子的「SKB文明鋼筆」。   Love Songs of Teldreka Mr. Ding-Shang Wei keeps writing Maolin language learning handbook after he retired from the Maolin Primary School, and his daughter Yalun who works with Mr. Song, is busy at training the school kids singing Maolin traditional songs. Through documenting the singing and life of the kids to reveal the frustration and happiness of the community, which are torn between the modern life and traditional culture. Oceans Tide You Home the third edition of the Small Oyster Rock Fest of Kezailiao took place as planned. Unlike the previous two editions that simply invited rock bands, this time, the local children were also invited. By performing a play, the junior high school students from Kezailiao could also go on stage. Echo in the Valley In the late 1960s, a large number of Taiwan’s indigenous people started working long-hours to cultivate the national forests lands: “Lin-ban lands” for money. It was a dark era and only by singing, could their weary bodies and lonely souls be comforted. Oh! What Beautiful Smokestacks As a channel to increase awareness, colorful shots of chemical pollution, images of burning smokestacks are portrayed as industrial phenomena in this film. Fantasy "The Standing Tree" becomes a hub for artists, as well as a platform for them to create and express, after Ciatou Sugar Refinery was closed in 1999. Present Past A documentary about the SKB factory with 60 years history, which focuses on the interviews of older workers and their subtle emotions between family and SKB. ■語文:中英對照


出版社: 高雄市電影館
出版年月: 2017/06
該商品上架日期 2018年 02月 14日.
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