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天上星宿,人間時光 且看作曲大師錢南章與作詞賴美貞伉儷 舉筆揮灑 你知道狗能唱四重唱? 你知道兔子愛在月光下跳舞? 顛覆東方古老神話,縱橫古今中外,跨越時空藩籬 融合南腔北調,重組民間傳說,譜寫十二個創意樂章 結合國樂與人聲合唱,加入音效、遊戲和戲劇元素, 聽齊天大聖高唱京劇、白蛇歌詠不滅愛戀、老虎發威單挑武松, 由指揮鄭立彬率領女高音陳美玲、臺灣國樂團及台北愛樂合唱團, 帶您探索充滿驚奇與想像力的動物奇幻嘉年華! Taipei Philharmonic Chorus 40th Anniversary presents – The award winning composer, Nan-Chang Chien’s “The 12 Animal Signs of Chinese Zodiac”. This 12-movement symphony show great versatility of music style across time and geographical boundary of Taiwan and China. Lyrics by Mrs. Chien, combining traditional folklores, each movement vividly illustrate each of the 12 animal signs, some witty and humorous, some heart wrenching, and yet never seize to give you pleasant surprises. Conducted by Cheng Li-Pin and together with National Chinese Orchestra, Taiwan (NCO) and Taiwan’s own outstanding vocalists, Taipei Philharmonic Chorus presents this brand new masterpiece to celebrate its’ 40th anniversary in Taiwan’s chorus scene. 演出曲目 錢南章《十二生肖》 Nan-Chang Chien : The 12 Animal Signs of Chinese Zodiac 作詞:賴美貞Mei-Chen Lai, lyricist 指揮:鄭立彬Li-Pin Cheng, conductor 女高音:陳美玲Mei-Lin Chen, soprano 男高音:穆福淳、湯發凱Vicente Fortunato C. Moran & Fa-kai Tang, tenors 合唱指導:吳尚倫Shanglun Wu, chorus master 台北愛樂合唱團Taipei Philharmonic Chorus 臺灣國樂團National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan 字幕:繁體中文、英文 格式:DVD + CD 演出長度:82分鐘


出版年月: 2013/12
ISBN序號: 4710837078122
該商品上架日期 2023年 08月 10日.
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