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鳥類/ 黑琵行腳Black-faced Spoonbill Journal (英文版精裝)

■ 簡介 《黑琵行腳》一書,耗時三年走訪黑面琵鷺各繁殖地與度冬地,透過追尋黑面琵鷺逾20載的王徵吉先生,手中專業且充滿感情的鏡頭,以及長期致力於生態領域工作的許晉榮先生,筆下樸實自然的文字,完整記錄黑面琵鷺生態習性、遷徙、棲地及國內外保育研究,引領讀者思考人、環境與鳥類之間的問題與關係。 There is no doubt that the black-faced spoonbill is one of the most representative species in Taiwan’s ecological conservation history. Every year, more than half of the BFS global population choose to winter in Taiwan. This gives Taiwan a leading role in international conservation. This book captures the BFS during the rotation of the four seasons and their life struggle all over the world, from the break of dawn to late at night, braving the snow and inclement weather. The authors follow them as they migrate from north to south and back again despite the long and hard journeys from BFS wintering sites to their breeding grounds, just so they can faithfully present the many faces of BFS in different time and space. We have no way of knowing how long a great piece of literature would take to finish. We only know that this book has taken us more than 20 years to prepare and 3 years to plan and produce. As if racing with light, we must rise before sunrise and only call it a day after sunset in order to put each and every piece of the BFS global distribution puzzle in place before the environment changes drastically.


作者: 許晉榮 等
出版社: 台江國家公園管理處
出版年月: 2015/12
ISBN序號: 9789860478389
該商品上架日期 2016年 06月 24日.