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International Education and Indigenous Peoples:Canadian Students

■ 簡介 For over a decade, I have been doing research with Truku, Tkedaya, and Teuda people in Taiwan. I say doing research with, rather than about, indigenous people, because my philosophy is that research is a collaborative effort that includes the choice of topic, methods, collection of information and stories, and, to the extent possible, diffusion of research results. Yet, a professor’s work is more than research. In fact, the most public part of our jobs is teaching undergraduate students. This year, in spite of the great distance from Canada to Taiwan, I was able to fulfill a long-held dream: to teach indigenous studies in Taiwan with the same indigenous knowledge holders who have so generously nourished my research for so long.


作者: Scott Simon ed.
出版社: 國立東華大學原住民民族學院
出版年月: 2015/11
ISBN序號: 9789860465303
該商品上架日期 2016年 02月 04日.
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