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民族學研究所集刊 48

※請注意!!由於出版年代久遠,封底封面狀況不太理想(但不影響內頁),是否訂購請斟酌,請見諒! ■目錄 1979秋 李亦園 Yih-yuan Li  社會文化變遷中的臺灣高山族青少年問題:五個村落的初步比較研究 Adolescent Adjustment and Socio-cultural Changes among the Taiwan Aborigines: A Preliminary Report 余光弘 Guang-hong Yu  東賽德克泰雅人的兩性關係 Socio-cultural Changes and the Intersexual Relationships in the East Sedeq Atayals 胡台麗 Tai-li Hu 南屯的字姓戲:字姓組織存續變遷之研究 The "Surname Opera" of Nan T'un: A Study in the Persistence and Change of Surname Organizations Mutsu Hsu 許木柱 Father Absence, Son's Masculinity and Behavioral Adjustment: A New Evidence from Modern Taiwan 洪光遠、楊國樞 Mutsu Hsu 歸因特質的測量與研究 Attributional Variables as Cognitive Traits: Measurement and Validation 黃囇莉、黃光國 Li-li Huang and Kwang-kuo Huang 權威及獨斷人格對中美斷交事件知覺的影響 Influence of Authoritarion and Dogmatic Personality upon the Perception of the U. S. Derecognition of the Republic of China


出版社: 中央研究院民族學研究所
該商品上架日期 2024年 05月 10日.
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